Our membership is open to any owner or manager of investment rental property in the Greater Bangor Area, (member)
and any individual or agency concerned in promoting the purpose of the Association, (associate member).
Heating Fuel Discount
GBAOMA has contractual agreements with local providers to provide group rate discounts on heating oil and propane if you so choose.
Landlord Education
Our monthly meetings, newsletters, seminars and website provide a wealth of information to stay atop current laws, requirements, financial strategies and more.
Member Discounts
Receive discounts on a variety of products and services from area businesses. Discounts include appliance repair, carpentry, flooring, paint, pest control, property management, roofing, snow plowing, taxes and more.

Eviction Database
An online resource that allows member landlords to see if a potential tenant has been evicted or not.
Landlord Documents
Members have 24/7 access to information to help run your business. Documents include attorney vetted leases, applications, eviction notice forms, radon and lead disclosures, monthly newsletters and more.
Legislative Advocacy
Being a GBAOMA member gives you representation regarding all legal matters in the state of Maine. We have legislative representatives regularly attending local and state level meetings.
GBAOMA is dedicated to providing their members access to information by sharing relevant online content to landlords.

New Website, New Logo!
Welcome to GBAOMA’s new website! The new website is live, as you can obviously see, however, we are busy retesting everything.
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Service Dogs
Service dog or just a pet? Maine bill seeks clarity and tougher penalties. The bill is a response to the increasing use of ‘service
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Renting & Evicting
Maine State Bar Association Maine has detailed laws governing relations between landlords and tenants.
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Problem Guests – Can You Keep Them Out?
Landlord Tenant Relations: Process & Procedures, 2015 Neil Shankman & Associates With ever increasing frequency
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